Check this page frequently for workshop dates
and new seminars.
Refreshments provided. We look forward to seeing you and sharing
with you timely and life saving information.
Yes, I would like to register for a Wellness, Wholeness, and Wisdom Workshop
July 31, 2006, 6:00 PM (Will Be Available Online) Topic: Iridology Today Helps
Keep the Operating Table Away
Plagued by chronic pain or multiple surgeries? Do the doctors seem clueless as
to what is wrong with you? Perhaps it is time to try Iridology. Come find out
how Iridology can help you stay off the operating table merry-go-round.
July 31, 2006, 6:00 PM (Will Be Available Online)
Topic: So Many Herbs...So
Little Time
Does your heart constantly race? Are you often nauseous? If so, Mother Nature
has given us herbs to remedy many of our maladies. Her special home remedy
is Kinesiology. Using Kinesiology will enable you to know which herbal remedy
best suits your needs. Eliminate the guesswork that many healthcare professionals
use when they prescribe medications that are often counterproductive to your
wellness. Come join us in mother's garden.
Press Releases

July 6 - 10, 2006
Topic: Cat Island Bahamas
Wholistic Health Retreat
Acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, iridology, kinesiology, massage, hikes,
and more. Visit again for updates and details.