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Services Details
Alternative Medicine Therapies - On Your Path to Wellness
The therapies listed below can end your search for the answers to your discomfort, be it heart palpitations, hot flashes, acid stomach, or addiction. We do what is necessary without causing you any pain or negative side affects. What better way to enhance the effectiveness of our recommendations and your enjoyment of the process toward wellness?

 Online Psychosocial Coaching Details
Through an informal and eclectic approach you get an opportunity to get informal personal support for whatever issue or concern you have. Benefit from our online psychosocial coaching.



Iridology Details
When you come to the office you are given an iridology assessment that involves looking into the iris of the eye. Markings, and shadings are  recorded which provide information about imbalances as they relate to organs and organ systems. This information is coupled with that found through the kinesiology assessment and herbal recommendations are    made. 

Kinesiology Details
The kinesiology assessment entails muscle testing whereby a positive and negative response is determined and the acupressure points, including  those related to organs and organ systems, are tested to determine what   is testing strong and what is testing weak. This information is coupled with that found though the iridology assessment and an herbal recommendation  is provided.

Nutritional Therapy Details
An assessment of present eating habits is made  and a nutritional protocol is provided. The dietary program that suits your lifestyle and blood type   are discussed and recommendations are made.

Kinesiology can also be used to determine the   most appropriate dietary program.             


Energy Medicine Details
One example of energy medicine is Chi Lite therapy which is often helpful   for general and specific issues of concern. The Chi Lite apparatus is used to stimulate and sedate acupressure points and/or actual areas of concern. This therapy can be provided by the practitioner or self-administered.

Reflexology Details
This therapy involves testing the acupressure points of the feet to  determine imbalances. At Alternative Medicine Therapies reflexology is    used only as an assessment tool. We do not provide foot massages. These points also correspond to specific organs, and organ systems. When combined with the iridology and kinesiology assessments a comprehensive picture is drawn that facilitates herbal recommendation and nutritional protocols.

Meditation Details
There are many different forms of meditation ranging from various yogic styles, to Edgar Cayce, and Transcendental Meditation. A determination is made as to what would best suit your lifestyle and needs. Assistance in the form of information and guidance is provided for those wanting same.

Psychological Consultations Details
Through an informal and eclectic approach (cognitive behavioral, solution focused, etc.) to lead you out of negative states of mind and back to a  more productive and enjoyable way of life. Consult in person, by phone, video conferencing, or some combination of all three.


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